Custom Designed Netballs

Looking to get some Netballs that have your netball clubs logo and colours?

At Netball Warehouse we can help you design the perfect match or training netballs for your club.

All our custom netballs are made to the highest quality with 4ply lining and butyl bladders.

  • Customised netballs can be produced with your club or associations name
  • Choose a ball from our CALIBA range and make it your own
  • Minimums start from 30 units per size
  • Quantities under a 100 units will incur a set-up cost
  • Lead time is 16-18 weeks
  • Size 4 & 5 available
  • Prices start from $19.80 per ball +gst (for a Training Ball)
  • Airfreight available at extra cost

Custom netballs can be ordered anytime during the year.

Contact us for customisation and pricing.

SKU: NW-BA-0001 Category: